Communication and public relations
Licence K is a communications consultancy and public relations agency specializing in new technology
Technology is evolving to such an extent that the new major players in the technology industry relations publics have to write history . Licence K is there to accompany them throughout this process..
Our expertise in media relations and public relations enables Licence K to offer a high level global service to innovative technology companies who wish to spread their notoriety. Licence K is an agency of the world in our time.
In terms of services offered, Licence K covers the entire spectrum of communications from product launches to public opinion strategy and reputation management. Advice and consultancy for corporate communication strategy, global communications, digital communications and press relations. Licence K enables our clients to enhance their reputation and notoriety in the UK, US, France and on an international scale.
We offer a diverse range of additional marketing services, from making recommendations, planning and organizing events and producing print materials. Thanks to our know-how, our agency is able to offer a global communications strategy which is both effective and impactful.
Media Relations
Our public relations service and high level of media relations is tailored towards specific media, such as consumer, trade or B2B press.
Licence K naturally exploits multiple channels of communication offered by new and social media.
public relations
Licence K works on identifying and organizing events such as conferences or trade fairs linked to the activities of their clients that will contribute to reinforce the client images and messages.
An international communications consultancy

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We are nothing without our clients and not much more without our partners who are opinion leaders!
We are a small agency which produces big results for clients which we are proud to work with.
The world of technology disrupts preconceptions. Innovation enables new players in the industry to emerge
Our expertise allows us to work with our loyal and prestigous clients.
We would like to thank them for their confidence and for enabling us to work on issues which are exciting, challenging and make us passionate about what we do.
The objective of the agency is to be able to offer innovative technology companies a growing and useful communication service which is adapted according to their needs.
Why the name "Licence K"?
To us, the name Licence K was obvious. If one day we were to change it for a better one, we definitely would.